I was introduced to fitness at a very young age, being a competitive cheerleader and skier for years. I was lucky enough to compete all over the world and have won a few trophies along the way.
After stopping competitive sports, I became a junior cheerleading coach helping out with younger teams. Here I found a huge love for coaching and helping others. Seeing the kids faces light up when they learnt new skills and thanking me for helping them was a feeling like no other!

During my early teens I was a very keen on going to the gym. After stopping sports I needed something to fill the gap I now had in my life. However, I wasn't sure what I was doing. I would go to the gym, spend an hour on the treadmill, follow a random ab workout on YouTube and then leave. I wanted to lift weights, be strong and improve my physique so I decided to get my first personal trainer.
I learnt so much in the following years from various coaches and soon found a passion and love for lifting heavy, training hard and seeing my physique change in a positive way.

Fast forward a few years and I decided I wanted to do something more than just your typical 9-5. I qualified as a personal trainer back in March 2020, the exact month we went into a global pandemic and gyms shut their doors. This didn't stop my drive to grow my business and helping woman change their lives. I used the time indoors to my advantage, making a business plan, growing my social media and getting my name out there.
Once we were allowed to train outdoors I took personal training and bootcamp sessions in my local park. I didn't have much equipment but we made it work. I quickly gained a lot of clients both in person and online and this amazing journey began!

Fast forward to present day and my personal fitness journey has transitioned to mostly CrossFit training. I absolutely love a fitness event/competition and pushing my body to its limits.
As well as the growth in my own fitness journey, I have built an amazing community, worked with some incredible women and seen some insane transformations both physically and mentally. It is an honour to help change lives on a daily basis.
If you want to get involved click the link below to enquire. We would love to have you on the team!